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EDGS Event: Northwestern Hosts John Heathershaw and Tena Prelec for Discussion on “Indulging Kleptocracy”

EDGS Event: From Cannabis to Methamphetamine: The Drug Landscape in Aceh, Indonesia

Dr. Aulia Nastiti Successfully Defends Groundbreaking Dissertation on Platform Capitalism in Indonesia

EDGS Event: Living Downstream of Yourself on the Rio Grande de Mindanao: A Talk by Alyssa Paredes

EDGS Director Jeffrey Winters Discusses American Oligarchy on NPR’s All Things Considered


Amrina Rosyada's Acclaimed Paper Wins Triple Honors

Rahardhika Utama Awarded Theda Skocpol Best Dissertation Award by the American Sociological Association

Celebrating New Leadership at EDGS: Laura Hein and Anto Mohsin

Yoes Kenawas Triumphs in Dissertation Defense: Unraveling the Dynamics of Political Dynasties

Celebrating Dr. Wara Urwasi's Dissertation Defense: A Triumph in Urban Sociology


10th Annual Arryman Symposium


EDGS Announces Lecture Series for 2021-22

2021 Arryman Scholar Achievements

9th Annual Arryman Symposium

Arryman Scholar on Researching Religion and Politics

Arryman Scholar Works Toward Gender Equality in Indonesian Higher Education


Arryman Scholars End 2020 on a High Note

Political Ecology Explored in New Lecture Series

Award-Winning Arryman Scholars

EDGS Hosts Online Arryman Symposium

Arryman Scholars Defend Doctoral Theses

EDGS Director's Op-Ed in the Chicago Tribune


2018 Arryman Fellows Symposium held on May 11

EDGS Announces Winners of 2019 Graduate Research Grants

EDGS Co-Sponsors Islamist Movements in Indonesia and Turkey Workshop


Arryman Fellows and Scholars Finish Academic Year on a High Note

2017 Arryman Fellows Symposium held on May 12

EDGS Hosts Talks on 10 Year Anniversary of Sichuan Earthquake


EDGS Introduces Graduate Lecture Series

Arryman Scholar Awarded Winch Prize from Sociology Department

EDGS Announces 2017 Graduate Student Summer Research Grants

EDGS-Sponsored Graduate Student Summer Research in Progress


EDGS Welcomes the 2016 Arryman Fellows

EDGS Announces 2016 Graduate Student Summer Research Grants


EDGS Co-Sponsors Global Health Interdisciplinary Symposium

EDGS Hosts Discussion With ASEAN Ambassadors

2015 Arryman Fellows Arrive in Evanston in July

2014 Arryman Fellows Symposium held on May 16

May 14-15: Dissent, Politics and Power Symposium

EDGS Announces March 2015 Faculty and Graduate Student Research Grants

EDGS Inaugural Newsletter-Winter Quarter 2015

EDGS Spring Research Funding Deadline-March 15

EDGS Announces December 2014 Faculty Research Grant Recipients


EDGS Faculty Research Grants Deadline-December 2014

EDGS Visiting Scholar talk, November 25th

EDGS Funded Graduate Student Research in Progress

Arryman Attend MCAA & SWCAS Joint Conference

Dept. of Political Science EDGS Speaker Series in “Religion, law, and politics”

2013 Arryman Fellows Symposium

May 8th: Why ASEAN Matters for America: A Discussion with the ASEAN Ambassadors

2013 Arryman Fellows accepted into PhD programs

New Donor Pledges Support for Arryman program

EDGS announces March 2014 Faculty and Graduate Student Research Grants

EDGS Funded Graduate Student Research in Progress

EDGS Faculty and Graduate Student Research Funding-apply by March 17th

EDGS Announces December 2013 Faculty Research Grant Recipients

The Act of Killing Receives Academy Award Nomination

Winter 2014 Comparative Politics Workshops


Graduate Student Research in Progress, November 2013

Faculty Research Funding Available-Deadline December 13, 2013

Act of Killing Film Screening and EDGS Rajawali Distinguished Lecture with Joshua Oppenheimer

October 25th, Rahul Pandita, Author of Our Moon Has Blood Clots

EDGS Co-Sponsors CIHR Global Jurist of the Year Award Ceremony and Dinner

EDGS Connects NUTC with Indonesia

Comparative Politics Workshop: International Change and Domestic Responses: Social Coalitions and Patent Politics in Latin America in the 1990s

EDGS Event: October 1st, Comparative Politics Workshop: Military Politics and Democracy in the Andes

EDGS Presents Comparative Politics Workshops

Indonesia Future Leaders Program Visits Northwestern

Indonesia Future Leaders program to visit Northwestern and Arryman Fellows

EDGS Welcomes New Arryman Fellows

May 14, 2013: EDGS Rajawali Lecture: His Excellency Dr. Dino Patti Djalal, Indonesian Ambassador to the US

First Annual Arryman Fellows Symposium held

EDGS Awards $115,000 in Research Support to Faculty and Graduate Students

EDGS Announces December 2012 Faculty Research Grant Recipients

EDGS and ISITA Roundtable Examines Radical Islamic Movements in Africa and Indonesia

Arryman Program in The Jakarta Post