EDGS Announces 2017 Graduate Student Summer Research Grants
The Equality Development and Globalization Studies (EDGS) Advisory Board — consisting of Professors Haydon Cherry, William Hurst, Mary Patillo, and Jeffrey Winters — is the main decision-making body of the EDGS program and it sets the program’s guidelines, plans its activities, and makes all decisions regarding research grants and major spending allocations. The Advisory Board evaluated all of the proposals submitted and agreed unanimously to award nearly $10,000 in funding in the April 2017 round of research proposals.
Six graduate students across the departments of Anthropology, History, Political Science, and Sociology were awarded funding for summer research:
Foroogh Farhang, Anthropology, “Syrian Refugees and Shifting Regimes of Health Care in Lebanon.”
Katya Maslakowski, History, “Men of Violence: Counterinsurgency and British Colonial Violence at the End of Empire.”
Melody Shum, History, “Outlaws or Lawmakers?: Piracy and the Construction of Criminal Justice in Kwang Chow Wan.”
Caroline de Lima e Silva, Political Science, “The Impact of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights (IACtHR) on High Courts of Brazil, Argentina, and Peru.”
Yuchen Liu, Political Science, “Disaggregating Policing in China: Between Party-State Authoritarian Resilience and Frontline Weakness.”
Melike Arslan, Sociology, “Institutional Harmonization for Market Integration: The US-Mexico and the EU-Turkey Trade Agreements and Legal Change in Mexico and Turkey.”