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Get in touch. Find our office, reach out to one of our staff members, connect on social media or join our listserv.

Find our office

Address: 1800 Sherman, Suite 1-200, Evanston, IL 60201 (map)

Map of EDGS office location.


Director, EDGS Program
Jeffrey Winters, Department of Politics

Director, Arryman Scholars Initiative
Laura Hein

Associate Director for International Programs
Anto Mohsin

Program Coordinator
Zachary Shulman

Find us on social

Connect with us on Twitter @EDGS_NU

Join our listserv

We maintain a University-wide e-mail listserv. The listserv is the primary vehicle for announcing our news and events. To subscribe, follow these steps (you must do this from your own computer. The email address used by the listserv will be picked up from your return address).

1. Send your subscription request to:

2. Type only the following in the message body (not the subject line):
subscribe EDGS your name (eg: subscribe EDGS Jane Doe)

3. Send your message